“Over the last few years I had gained quite a lot of weight, was often hot at night, was depressed and tired all the time, but I’d never really considered that there was anything I could do about this.
My doctor at the time had put me on antidepressants and, re the weight, just said, ‘Eat less and move around more.’
Having had half my under-active thyroid removed, I just assumed that this was how things would always be. When I reflect back on this now, I realise that not once was the word ‘Menopause’ spoken about in relation to any of my symptoms.
A couple of years ago, I became horrified that my painful fingers were starting to grow crooked.
Blood tests revealed very high cholesterol and a liver in the red zone. While waiting the four months it took to see a rheumatologist, my partner, Jo-Anne, and I decided to be proactive and do our own research.
Who knew that a Google search ‘Why are my fingers going crooked?’ would lead to the topic of Menopause, ageing and ultimately Wendy Sweet at MyMT™?
It was Jo-Anne who came across Wendy’s MyMT™ website and encouraged me to read the wealth of information on it, fill out the menopause symptom survey and subscribe to the newsletter. I was really impressed with the comprehensive information, testimonials and the success stories.
Initially, I was a bit hesitant to join up, as there are so many diets and programs out there, all promising the miracle fix, while potentially being very unhealthy long term.
During the next few months I was in contact with Wendy several times asking questions, despite not having signed up to the program. I was very impressed with the care that she took, along with her thoroughness in her responses.
I thought long and hard before deciding that joining MyMT™ was such a small investment and a risk worth taking. So, I signed up to the Transform Me weight loss programme. [Refer VIDEO below].
Now, more than 20kg down, sleeping better, happier and off all medication except the thyroid tablet, it has been the best decision ever!
The program simply makes good sense. I have learned such a lot and there have been so many ‘Ah Ha’ moments. By the time I saw the Rheumatologist, I had been on Wendy’s program for a couple of months, had easily lost several kilos and my fingers were no longer constantly sore. The specialist diagnosed osteo-arthritis and said that, by following Wendy’s MyMT™ programme, which has an anti-inflammatory approach specific to menopause, I was already doing everything that she would have recommended I do.
Listening to the webinars as they became available, a couple of times usually, and printing out the associated handouts, was best for me as I prefer paper to read and reread. Then I set aside time every afternoon to read the Facebook pages. I always found the posts there very thorough and informative. Also the comments and tips from the other ladies were gratefully received. I found that when life got in the way and I missed doing it I felt like I was getting behind and missing out.
The Facebook support group, which is included in the program, has been invaluable. I have been very impressed with Wendy’s prompt and comprehensive answers to members’ questions. They are always informative, well researched (and referenced) and presented in a caring, supportive way. Additionally, the sharing of stories and ideas along with the support of other women, like me, makes all the difference. I don’t feel like I’m alone in this journey. I’ve also been very lucky to have a partner who has encouraged me to follow the program and make the recommended changes, that have ultimately benefited us both.
Thank you, Wendy for your well researched program. Although I entered this journey looking for solutions to my sore joints, I’m now more than 20kgs down, healthier, happier and off nearly all my medications. My life and health is changed forever.”
Dianne, H – Australia
Through decades of research and coaching, Women’s Healthy Ageing Researcher Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD), put everything she learnt into two 12 week online programmes. You can learn more about the world-class MyMT™ Transform Me Programme that Dianne joined, in the video below.