Success Stories

“With a background in health I was impressed by Wendy’s evidence-based research. Get amongst it women!” (Jenny, NZ)

“I was delighted to come across Wendy’s programmes when I had been searching for health and well-being support during menopause. With a background in health I was impressed by her evidence-based research which was clearly translated into accessible and practical information.

From her wealth of experience and expertise Wendy distils the wisdom of holistic wellness and age appropriate self-care. Her programmes offer sensible and sustainable strategies, resources and step by step easy to follow modules for improving, managing and transforming health and wellness.

At this stage of life when I want to offer my best, I need to be my best self and  MyMT™ has been the catalyst to making this happen. I have chosen life giving health as the priority it needs to be now and into the future.

Wendy makes it do-able and is incredibly supportive, encouraging and motivating. The online group are like-minded women who share their journeys and are inspirational as role models, peers and friends.

Get amongst it women!”

Jenny, Auckland, New Zealand. 


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