MyMT™ Blog

“As a Physio, I couldn’t understand the joint pain I was experiencing during menopause.” [Louise, UK]

“I had watched my mum go through menopause and now realise that she never really came out the other end with her health. That’s partly what started my journey leading me to have a new passion – menopause! Although, if you asked her, she would say that she didn’t have any problems and tried HRT, but it made her feel really poorly.

I’m a Physiotherapist and business owner of Holcombe Health Clinic, south east of London. My career has been varied and as a leader in sports-specific physiotherapy, I’ve worked at the annual Wimbledon Championships, for the WTA at international tournaments, the Ladies European Golf Tour and the Professional Jockey Association, based predominantly at Chelmsford and Newmarket racecourses.

I’m so used to having the right knowledge to help people, including some of the world’s leading athletes, but menopause floored me! I started to experience symptoms of brain fog in my late forties, when I was struggling to remember my clients’ names after I had spent the previous ½ hour with them.

I thought I had the early stages of mad cow disease! (some would say that I have completed that journey, and I am now a fully fledged “mad cow”). Anyway, I then started to experience joint pain, which as a physio, I was trying to self-diagnose. I made some musculoskeletal and biomechanical changes, and symptoms changed, but I still had knee pain. 

I finally went to a Gynaecologist and asked if HRT would help. He said it would definitely help and 10 mins later and lots of pennies later, I was prescribed Menopause HRT. I took this for about 1 ½ years and experimented with dosage but frustratingly, I was still experiencing knee pain. I was then diagnosed with Grade 4 arthritic changes and therefore surgery would be the inevitable outcome. 

That’s when I decided that I had to embark on this journey of educating myself on the menopause. I see so many women with joint pain, but yet, I wasn’t able to help myself, let alone them at first.

Finding the MyMT™ ‘Restore your Joyful Joints’ programme on Wendy’s website, opened up my curiosity and I decided to complete her Health Practitioner Training on Lifestyle Science for Menopause. 

The course fitted perfectly with my holistic and natural healing outlook on managing health. It was an amazing and enlightening course and I have absolutely loved learning about how the body is affected by ageing and hormonal changes at this time of life.

So, with this in mind and all of the changes to my nutrition and lifestyle I’ve now made, I have now come off the HRT and am managing the symptoms by embracing everything I have learnt. 

The combination of my own journey and the need to better assist women in the Holcombe community, led me to developing my own menopause solutions lifestyle programme called How2Menopause, in conjunction with the delivery of Wendy’s online 12 week programmes. This programme includes our expertise in breathwork, pilates, strengthening classes and of course, joint health! 

I’m so excited to be able to work with women who visit our clinic e as an affiliate with MyMT™ and we are now offering this bespoke support package to our ladies. The results have been awesome so far, so I am spreading the word. I am now on a mission to help as many ladies as I can and will continue to learn and absorb.

Thank you, Wendy and Georgia for giving me this opportunity. I’m so happy I found your programme and now your constant support and guidance to me as an Affiliate is invaluable, not only to myself but also my clients.”

Louise Hayes, Chartered Physiotherapist, Holcombe Health Clinic, UK. 

PS: The photo below is my first presentation to women in my community on World Menopause Day. I was emotional because I felt so passionate about being able to help them at a time of life when our symptoms become almost overwhelming! 

“If you have ever wondered if there was a clear easy plan to follow to sleep all night, reduce hot flushes and prevent or reduce your weight gain during menopause, then ‘welcome’ – you’re in the right place now.”

Discover how either of my two Menopause Transformation programmes might help you too or take my Symptoms Quiz below… 

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