Video: Is lack of this vital vitamin linked to belly-fat and muscle weakness in women?

The role of Vitamin D on women’s menopause symptoms is controversial. But in my mind, it’s not getting enough attention, especially with the increasing advice for women to undertake heavy weight training. But how can you train heavy, if your Vitamin D levels are low? From my years of teaching exercise and sports science physiology, […]

Understanding changes in your fat tissue during menopause.

Imagine being a subject in a study whereby you are not only undergoing minor gynae surgery, but you’ve also given your permission for the surgeon to do a biopsy of your fat cells under your skin (subcutaneous adipose tissue) as well as the fat cells deeper around your organs (visceral fat). I would like to […]

Reverse Metabolic Syndrome and Manage your Menopause Weight Gain

I remember the conference in New York distinctly. It was 1995, the year my daughter was born. As it’s her birthday this week, I was remembering that trip as it was my first time away from her. However, attending the conference was an opportunity that I didn’t want to miss. I was presenting at an […]

Losing your menopause and post-menopause weight with the Mediterranean Diet.

When new research arrived in my in-box recently, with the words ‘menopause weight loss’ and ‘minimal exercise‘  jumping out at me, it got my attention. I hope it gets yours too – especially if you are in menopause or post-menopause. There’s a common perception in the world of fitness and exercise that everyone has the time, energy […]

MyMTℱ Education: 5 Reasons for Your Client’s Weight Gain in Menopause and Post Menopause.

Poor sleep, changing liver health, muscle tone and size changes – all of these factors impact a woman’s sleep, thyroid and blood sugar hormones as well as their liver health, contributing to weight gain in menopause. It’s why, the menopause transition, which is the biological gateway to a woman’s ageing, leaves them vulnerable to other […]

Why the right exercise matters for weight loss from peri-menopause to post-menopause

“I hired a Personal Trainer online for the first time during the pandemic. I was really enjoying the sessions, but I have to admit, I didn’t lose any weight whatsoever – in fact my clothes are now tighter and I feel swollen and bloated. He has also put me on a high protein diet and […]

New Research: Foods that shift storage fat to metabolically-active ‘burning’ fat.

Weight issues in Menopause

If there were some foods that you could incorporate into your daily food intake, that contained compounds to help you change unhealthy white fat and turn this to highly metabolic brown fat, would you eat them? For those of you holding onto menopause belly fat, then yes, I hope you would. We often get really […]

5 Reasons for your Weight Gain in Menopause and Post Menopause.

Weight issues in Menopause

“If your waist is ‘thickening’, your body-shape is changing and you are going into or through menopause, let me explain why!”[Dr Wendy Sweet, (PhD) Women’s Healthy Ageing Researcher] I invite you to watch my Science of Weight Gain in Menopause video if you would like a summary or if you prefer reading in a little […]

“The difference to how I felt a year ago is incredible.” – Jo, NZ

I love this photo of Jo. I took it when we met at one of my live ‘Masterclass on Menopause’ events. It was so great to meet her after our numerous emails over the past few months and I’m so grateful that she has allowed me to share her story with you all. There are […]