Success Stories

“I was on HRT and taking supplements, then I found your programme. Crikey, it all makes so much sense!”

“Thank you for your wonderful program. I have enjoyed the modules and learnt a lot AND experienced some positive changes.

I came to your program in a roundabout way. I’ve been on HRT for years in response to fierce hot flashes which emerged when I stopped being on the pill to manage periods. So, in my mind that was menopause dealt with.

Then a funny thing happened. I had a chance conversation with a woman colleague as we walked back to our cars after a seminar when brain fog and menopause, which still troubled me, was mentioned.

That was a real ‘ah-ha’ moment for me. And a huge relief as I had self-diagnosed early dementia for myself aged 58 with a family history of father and grandmother who had dementia in their 80’s.

I laughed to myself on the drive home. This was a common symptom, and I was not alone. Serious relief.

So, curious about this, I googled menopause symptoms, and got a further surprise to discover joint pain is also common in menopause. Again, a little bit of relief.

My sore hips at night, had been waking me so often I had quite a nightly ritual of getting up to take ibuprofen and rub on anti-flam. I thought I had early onset osteo arthritis, and I may need a hip replacement, but this wasn’t the issue.  

Then, a little bit of googling and I was off buying a supplement. MSM because I read about this and several others shown in studies to be beneficial, but found it very hard to buy anything with only one ingredient – my goodness there is a world of menopause and joint supplements out there.

It felt pretty optimistic to be putting my faith in this to be honest.

Then I found your program. Crikey, it all just makes so much sense, and it very empowering to have tools to use to effect change.

I confess I have a pretty healthy lifestyle and find it easy to plan and then stick to small step changes. I am fit, active and have maintained a good body weight, and thought I ate pretty well.

With your programme, I have just made a change a week, starting with sleep – I mostly don’t wake up until after 5 now, and if I do wake, I keep my eyes closed and listen to hear the birds. If there are no birds, then I stay in bed and go back to sleep. Seriously easy to get this to work most of the time.

No more cups of tea while I wrote out everything on my mind at 2am. 

I’ve made so many other changes that you suggest too. I do my morning breathing  exercises – versus indoors with eye closed, eating a head of celery a week (such an easy work snack), buying vegie juice at the supermarket (for now, will get on to juicing later this year), making better choices on holiday recently (where possible), choosing juice over coffee, and salad over burger. I’ve been gradually changing out my meals according to your Food Guide and trying at least one plant based recipe each week – tonight is Pumpkin with Star Anise sauce from Ottolenghi.

My hips feel so very different. It is very easy to stay motivated to make changes as I feel so good.

I shall stay with your program for a bit and listen to the modules again. I wanted to thank you for this work your are doing – much appreciated.

Since doing your programme, I have been reminded of Erik Erikson’s stages of life. Women in menopause are at the Generativity vs Stagnation. So good to feel empowered to firmly choose the former.

Kind regards


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